BUILDing Community at the Middle School
In true Crystal “Try it!” fashion, the Little Free Family Build Event brought together PAC, parents/guardians, and students for a hands-on learning experience at the MS. On February 1, nine parent-child pairs joined Ms. Muller and Ms. Dang to build their own Little Free structure.
Some families plan to use their structure as a traditional Little Free Library, while others will offer seeds, snacks, and even Rubik’s cubes to their communities. There was a range of building experience in the group, but everyone brought enthusiasm and a willingness to learn. Five hours, six pizzas, and many screws and nails later, we had nine complete Free Little things!
Inspired by Robin Wall Kimmerer’s new book The Serviceberry, these structures will be a way for our Crystal community to share outwards. One family lives near the US so if you are near the Hillsborough campus, keep your eye out for a Little Free structure coming soon!